It is vital your investments chart a course for the greatest prospect of success. As an independent firm, Gilbert & Cook has access to countless investment strategies and managers. Our team utilizes the research and technology from a wide array of the most well-respected companies in the industry. Flexibility is key in today’s markets and enables us to formulate proprietary strategies consistent with time-tested investment beliefs. Specifically tailored solutions and results for each client’s distinct expectations.

Core Investment Beliefs

Success is more than just a well-allocated portfolio... It’s about realization of life’s aspirations. Each investment solution must provide a distinctive result to fit your individual preferences. With proper risk management and adherence to your financial plan, portfolio design is melded with long term goals to position for consistent and predictable RESULTS.

How do you define "Abundance"? We listen generously and take time to understand your goals and objectives to customize and build the overall portfolio based on your individual risk profile and financial objectives; including: time horizon, financial goals, risk tolerance/aversion, tax profile, and cash flow needs. As life changes over time and your investment needs evolve, your allocation strategy will adjust accordingly.

Gilbert & Cook's in-house Investment Team has developed a proprietary portfolio management process. Independent from any one idea or provider, we utilize best-in-class research paired with a flexible, open architecture custody platform to create sophisticated strategies. Our due diligence process narrows the vast universe of available investments and structures to a workable and consistently revisited portfolio allocation. Not just the management of a single account, but how all accounts work together toward ideal success.

As long-term investors, we believe in consistency and discipline. From asset class and security selection, to trading and rebalancing – our institutional approach to investment management is centered on a data-driven, forward-looking process where every decision is intentional.

Our Investment Team all possess, or have progress toward, the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. Utilizing methodologies crafted from experience and substantiation, we deliver objective wealth management strategies to support each client’s financial expectations.

Leaning on our independence, we have access to resources which allow us to provide clients with cost efficient portfolios. Built specifically for custom, open architecture, manager-of-managers oversight, our operating platform includes risk, compliance, and performance monitoring.

We successfully incorporate a multitude of complex planning and investment strategies that result in a compounding effect to overall net worth. These decision points include constructing cost efficient portfolios, understanding income tax implications, and proactively adjusting portfolios to adhere to our Financial Security Method. All must work together to achieve your unique Abundance Goals.